The Best Job Search Advice ✨ | How To Job Search


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This post is all about the best job search advice, from starting a new job to finding the perfect fit. Discover tips and strategies for success.

job search advice - person working on computer

Scroll down to jump to: “How Do You Do A Job Search Effectively?”


What Is The Best Job Search Advice?

Feeling lost and overwhelmed in your job search? You're not alone.

The job search can be challenging.

  • Job listings can be overwhelming and it can be difficult to know where to start

  • Competition can be fierce for desirable positions

  • The job search process can take a significant amount of time and effort

Finding a job … is a full-time job. So don’t feel bad because you aren’t getting callbacks. It’s time to get creative and strategic.

… Plus, I’ve been there, and I’m here to help! :)


When Finding A New Job How Should I Feel?

person stressed - head in hands

The job search can be a daunting and exhausting process, requiring long hours of research and applications.

It can be frustrating to receive rejection after rejection, and overwhelming to navigate the many job listings and career paths available.

It's important to remember that it's not a reflection of your worth as a person or a professional and to approach the search with a positive attitude and a strategic mindset.

With the right perspective and effective strategies, you can find the perfect job for you.


What Is Some Motivation For The Job Search?

text reading actually I CAN

Feeling discouraged in your job search? Don't give up! Remember that finding the right job takes time and effort, but it's worth it in the end.

Keep a positive mindset and stay motivated by focusing on your strengths and what makes you unique. With persistence and determination, you will find the perfect job for you.

You can do it, and you will do it.


What Are The 10 Best Pieces of Job Search Advice?

job search advice - person on computer
  1. Network, network, network! Reach out to friends, family, former colleagues, and alumni to expand your professional circle.

  2. Get strategic. Identify your career goals and create a plan to achieve them.

  3. Get creative. Consider alternative job search methods such as attending virtual job fairs or reaching out directly to companies.

  4. Express confidence in your abilities. Believe in yourself and your qualifications. People are much more likely to hire someone who is confident.

  5. Customize your resume and cover letter for each job application.

  6. Practice your interviewing skills. Prepare responses to common interview questions and practice with a friend or family member. Watch YouTube videos — there are a plethora of great ones that give excellent advice on job interviews.

  7. Follow up after interviews. Send a thank you note or email to show your appreciation and continued interest in the position.

  8. Stay organized. Keep track of your job applications and follow-up actions in a spreadsheet or notebook.

  9. Be patient and persistent. Finding the right job can take time, but don't give up. Keep applying and networking.

  10. Don't be afraid to seek help. Reach out to career counselors, old professors, previous colleagues, neighbors, friends, family, and mentors for guidance and support.


How Do You Do A Job Search Effectively?

Whether you're feeling lost in the job search process or just looking for some fresh strategies to try, this post has got you covered.

person working - How Do You Do A Job Search Effectively?

Here is the step-by-step guide to finding a job!

(You might not be able to answer all of these yet and that’s okay!)


Step 1: List Out Your Top Career Goals

Before you start your job search, it's important to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve in your career.

Take some time to reflect on your long-term goals and what you hope to gain from your next job.

Are you looking to advance in your current field, or are you ready for a complete career change?

By identifying your goals upfront, you can tailor your job search and focus on opportunities that will help you achieve your objectives.

career goals - planning

Step 2: Write Out Where You See Yourself In The Future.

Write out where you see yourself in:

  • 1 Year

  • 3 Years

  • 5 Years

  • 10 Years

Thinking about where you want to be in the future can help you reach your goals. Setting clear goals and having a vision of what you want to achieve can help you concentrate on what's important and make decisions that match your long-term objectives.

Knowing where you want to be in the next few years can keep you motivated when looking for a job. It can be easy to get distracted by the everyday tasks of applying for jobs and networking, but having a big-picture perspective can remind you of your ultimate goal and keep you moving forward.

Planning your future can also help you make smart decisions about the types of jobs you apply for and the career paths you pursue.

For example, if you know where you want to be in five years, you can seek out jobs and opportunities that will help you get there instead of taking any job that comes your way. This can lead to more satisfying and fulfilling work in the long run.

career path - Write Out Where You See Yourself In The Future

Step 3: Map Out Your Career Path

map your career path - blank slate

Once you have a clear understanding of your career goals and where you want to be in the future, it's time to map out your career path.

Consider the skills and experience you will need to achieve your goals and identify any gaps in your current knowledge or qualifications. Think about the types of jobs and industries that will help you gain the necessary experience and skills, and seek out opportunities that align with your long-term objectives.

Mapping out your career path can help you stay focused and motivated in your job search, and can guide your decisions about which jobs to apply for and which career paths to pursue.


Step 4: Planning - Now Start To Answer These Questions

  • I want a job in … (industry — healthcare, Fintech, deals with cryptocurrency exchanges, accounting)

  • I want a job at … (location or region - in the NY metropolitan area, within 20 miles)

  • I want a job with … (company or company type — start-up, corporate, small business)

  • I want a job in … (department type — marketing or advertising department, ER, writers room)

  • I want a job doing … (type of role)

  • I want a job marking … (a realistic salary minimum — and don’t accept anything lower!)

  • I want a job that is … (job preferences - remote, offers 401k, is full-time, has lots of travel)


Step 5: Now It Is Time To Prep

Before you start sending out your applications, it's important to make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

person working - time to prepare

This means taking the time to prepare your:

  1. Resume / CV — Your resume and CV should showcase your skills and experience in a clear and concise way, highlighting your achievements and qualifications.

  2. Cover Letters — Your cover letters should be tailored to each job you apply for, demonstrating your interest in the position and explaining why you're the ideal candidate.

  3. Portfolio — (if applicable) Your portfolio should showcase your best work and illustrate your skills and experience in action.

  4. References — Your references should be carefully chosen to highlight your strengths and accomplishments.

  5. LinkedIn Profile — Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date and professional, as many employers will research you online before deciding whether to invite you for an interview.


Step 6: Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is critical to do when creating your resume, CV, etc.

It's important to research the keywords and phrases that are commonly used in your industry and in job descriptions for the positions you're interested in.

This will help you optimize your resume and cover letter for applicant tracking systems (ATS) and increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.


Use tools like Jobscan or Wordle to analyze job descriptions and identify important keywords to incorporate into your application materials.


Step 7: Where To Apply - and Diversify

There are a lot of job search websites and resources out there.

It's important to diversify your job search and apply to a variety of positions and companies. Don't limit yourself to just one job search website or one type of role.

Cast a wide net and increase your chances of finding the perfect job for you.


Step 8: Customize Each Application

It's important to customize your resume, cover letter, and any other application materials for each job you apply to.

This means taking the time to research the company and position and tailoring your application to match the job requirements and qualifications.

It takes longer, but it significantly increases your chances of getting a call-back.

Customizing your application shows that you're serious about the job and have taken the time to understand the company's needs and goals.

It also helps your application stand out from the many generic applications that employers receive.

While it can be time-consuming to customize each application, it's worth the effort in the long run. By tailoring your application to each job, you increase your chances of getting noticed and landing the job you want.


Step 9: Be Consistent With Your Applications

It's important to stay consistent with your job search efforts. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to search and apply for jobs, and track your progress in a spreadsheet or notebook.

Consistency will help you stay motivated and organized, and increase your chances of finding the right job.

Don't get discouraged if you don't hear back from employers right away. Keep applying and networking, and eventually, the right opportunity will come your way.


Step 10: Follow-Up

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After you've applied to a job or interviewed for a position, it's critical to follow up with the employer.

Send a thank you note or email to show your appreciation and continued interest in the position.

This not only shows your professionalism but also keeps you at the top of mind for the employer.

If you don't hear back after a week or two, don't be afraid to follow up again. Just be sure to keep your tone polite and professional.


Step 11: Prep For Interviews


Preparing for interviews is essential to landing the job you want.

  1. Research the company and the position, and practice answering common interview questions.

  2. Be sure to also prepare your own questions to ask the interviewer.

  3. Dress professionally and arrive early to make a good impression.

Remember, confidence is key. With the right preparation and mindset, you can ace any interview and land your dream job.


Step 12: Don’t Settle

When you're feeling overwhelmed by the job search process, it can be tempting to settle for any job that comes your way.

However, it's important to remember that your job is a significant part of your life, and you deserve to find a position that you enjoy and that aligns with your goals and values.

Here are some red flags to look out for when considering a job:

  1. The job description is vague or unclear about the responsibilities and expectations of the position.

  2. The company has a high turnover rate or negative reviews from current or former employees.

  3. The interviewer or hiring manager seems unprofessional or disorganized during the interview process.

  4. The salary or benefits offered are significantly lower than industry standards.

  5. The company culture does not align with your values or work style.

Keep applying and networking, and stay persistent in your search. With patience and determination, you will find the perfect job for you.

two people networking

Step 13: Relax and Be Positive — Even when it’s tough

Remember to take care of yourself during the job search process. It can be stressful, but it's important to take breaks, practice self-care, and maintain a positive attitude.

Take time to do things you enjoy, whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or spending time with friends and family. This can help reduce stress and keep you motivated throughout the job search.

Remember that finding the right job takes time and effort, but with persistence and determination, you will find the perfect fit. Stay positive and keep pushing forward!

person working on computer

We covered tips and strategies for staying motivated, customizing your job search, and preparing for interviews.

Remember, finding the right job takes time and effort, but with persistence and determination, you will find the perfect fit.

Stay positive and keep pushing forward!


This post was all about the best job search advice, from starting a new job to finding the perfect fit.